Kiirtan Songs of Prabhat Samgiit

Thursday 20th July, at 7pm Irish time .
We are very fortunate to have Ayesh Irani (Margii, Scholar and Singer of Prabhat
Samgiit) join us this Thursday night at 7pm, for a class on Kiirtan Songs of Prabhat
Samgiit. Ayesha leads a Prabhat Samgiit class every week in the US and what I
really appreciate about her class is that she gives us the context of the song and
often includes Baba stories as well as he own personal insights into Prabha
Samgiit. Her translations are beautiful and deeply expressed.
This Thursday evening we will learn one katha kiirtan song (morning in the southern hemisphere)
Fyi Ayesha’s PhD is on “Sacred Biography, Translation, and Conversion ; The
Nabīvaṃśa of Saiyad Sultān and the Making of Bengali Islam, 1600-Present”