Kiirtan Meet and Swap

Jyoshna · 06/21/2023

Kiirtan Meet and Swap: A NEW EXPERIENCE!

Saturday 25 th June at 8am- 9am Irish time (5pm Sydney time, 7pm NZ time).

The Kiirtan Meet and Swap is a new venture, where members can come and share their kiirtans (providing chords too) with other members and learn one as well, so its’ a swap. Or, if you want to come and just learn from others without sharing your own, that’s also fine, or you can share only if you want.

This is an excellent session for kiirtaniyas at any level, to learn a new kiirtan and share one with another if you want to.

You can also join the Kiirtan Meet and Swap Group to meet others and have a talk any time you like!!!

So come, and join and celebrate our kiirtan journey together. BNK!


Course Information
